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Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend was picture perfect.  The weather was COLD, you know the kind of cold where you are cold down to your bones.  Funny, it was in the high forties low fifties but it feel so so cold.  I loved it, I'm weird like that.

Friday night we met dear friends of ours for a dinner out in a neighboring town.  Lots of talking and laughing (and eating...).  We walked after dinner around the town, I took some photos of a public park, roses not knowing how cold it was going to be!

Saturday was more outside living, walking around, being cold and loving every single blessed moment.  Frodo loves this kind of weather as well.  This week and over the weekend, we've been watching PBS on the XBOX app.  My husband figures these things out for me.  However, we've watched - Indian Summers - Home Fires (but we've re-named it Home Fries) and The Widower.  All really good.  Go give it a look see.

Today was Mass, another walk (brrr) and lots of reading.  I wrote a list of who to knit for which is practically half the battle.  Don't worry, everyone is knitworthy.

How was your weekend??

Thanks to everyone who participates on the weekend post!  I think our little community has grown so feel free to visit each other.  Visit an old friend or make a new one :)

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