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He Will Be Honestly Missed...

I am very sad to read that Canada's Ed Mirvish passed away this morning at the age of 92. Here's the story in this Globe and Mail article. "Honest Ed", as he was fondly nicknamed, was a beloved figure here in Toronto. In addition to the crazy discount store with that same moniker, Ed Mirvish was also responsible, along with his son David, for making Toronto a major player in the arena of live theatre, putting this city on the map alongside New York and London. It is that, of his many accomplishments, that I am personally most grateful for.

CBC's biography series, "Life and Times" broadcast a terrific profile on Ed a number of years ago. It was from recording and viewing that show that I had done this caricature of Ed and David Mirvish. Also, that show revealed that Ed and his wife Anne were ballroom dancing enthusiasts - a hobby that they took very seriously and were passionate about for several decades. Having been involved in ballroom dancing myself for over ten years, I can well appreciate and share their passion for this enjoyable art.

Ed Mirvish was that rarity of successful businessmen, in that he never forgot where he came from and was constantly giving back to the community. Toronto just loved him and we all will miss this wonderful man.

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