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Gettin' the blog rollin' again

Springing back into action!!

Missed me?  I've missed you, but sometimes summer and computers don't go together.  Unfortunately they don't make the best fishing buddies, they're not good teammates, and they definitely don't like the sun or the rain.  Other than everyday life stuff that everyone has to put up with, time spent away from the computer this summer has also meant more time at the hobby desk.  So it's time to get my butt back to blogging, sharing hobby and gaming stuff, as well as checking out what everyone else is up to.  :-)

I still have more Saga Vikings to share, but I've also been hard at work on my Mordain Imperial Guard for Warhammer 40k.  I've had some vision problems that have impaired the progress on my infantry models, but that hasn't prevented me from knocking out the vehicles.

The first of these I'd like to share is my first of eventually three Leman Russ Battle Tanks.  This guy is a little more roughed up than the initial Chimera I did, and rightly so.  It's a tank!  Not just some troop transport. :-)  I'm getting a little more comfortable with some of the weathering, but there's so much left to try. 

The paint chipping is solid, but I'd like to try using Chipping Fluid in the future.  Right now I'm sponging on Charadon Granite paint, then following up with some Boltgun Metal here and there.  The rust around the rivets and streaking is ok I guess, but I'm still looking for something that works better than the various washes I've tried.

Again, there's ton of weathering stuff like pigments, filters, oils, etc., etc. that I've yet to explore.  I'm satisfied with the way my IG vehicles are turning out, but I really want to perfect the process and techniques before I dive into my World War II North Africa Bolt Action project down the road.

This tank is technically still a work in progress.  Eventually there maybe more stowage added, some fuel cans in the compartment at the back, and the antennas will all have pennants with the proper platoon markings.  Also, there's a huge space purposely left on the right side of the turret for whenever I figure out what "names" to give to each of these buggers.

My LRBTs are all made from the original "Mark I" kit.  This gives them a slightly different look than the newer kit that I'm using for my LR Demolisher for example.  I've left off the side sponsons and added a bit of decorative armor plating.  I've always liked the look of the LR model except for the turret.  The newer kits are definitely an improvement, but I've replaced mine with Ryza pattern ones from Forge World.  I think they really look ace!

WIP: Army Painter Desert Yellow base coat with Minwax "wash" applied.

WIP: Drybrushing, detail work, and decals done.

Finally, just sharing a couple of WIP pics to show a bit of the process I use.  I detailed the steps way back in 2011 if you want to check out that post HERE.  Things may have evolved a bit, and I'd certainly like to try using an airbrush in the future.

Like building terrain, painting vehicles are on the more enjoyable end of the hobby.  I'm sure there's a lot more time and effort that could be poured into them, but for me vehicles are fun and quick to paint up.  They certainly add momentum to an army project as well as something closer to "instant gratification" for painting results.

"Tanks" for stopping by.  I'll be sharing more of my IG vehicles later in the week.


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