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Homemade Yogurt with Granola

One of the many things that I enjoy in my work, making yogurt from scratch is one of them. I started making yogurt out of just whim, just to see whether I can do it or not. But once I got the hang of it, it just became a staple in our home. I like the tartness of it and that you can control what goes inside it. I like my yogurt super creamy and rich and so I use full fat cow milk and then I reduce it to half of it's original quantity. The recipe is a little time consuming, so I do it when I have no work and I just put the milk on a very low flame and let it do it's own work. If the weather is cold, I then warm the oven to make sure that the yogurt sets and then I wrap the containers with thick towels to keep them warm. And it does the trick. To prevent it from being watery, I set the yogurt in small containers, which finishes after almost 2 servings.

Homemade Yogurt

3 litres of whole full fat cow milk
2 tbsp yogurt starter (any store bought yogurt will do. Make sure they have live cultures in them.)

Put the milk in a big pot and let it come to a boil.
Once the milk starts boiling put the flame 🔥 to sim and boi the milk for about 45 minutes, stirring now and then so that they don't stick to the bottom of the pan. Scrap the sides of the pan as well, so that you can collect as much milk solids as you can.
When the milk becomes half of it's original quantity, switch of the flame and let it cool down.
When the milk is cool enough to dip your fingers in it, it is ready.
Take the yogurt culture in a bowl and mix it with some of the milk.
Now pour it in the milk pot and stir.
Take a ladle and pour the milk from a hight for 2 minutes to ensure that the yogurt is evenly distributed in the milk.
Pour the milk in your desired pots or containers.
Keep your containers in a dark and warm place for about 10-12 hours.
I keep mine inside the oven, but any warm place where there is not much activity is suitable.


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