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28mm Spanish Civil War - Carlists - From box to table

28mm Empress Miniatures - SCW Carlists

Next off the production line is some Carlist re enforcements, bought earlier in the year from the is highly lovely Empress Miniatures at Triples in Sheffield. This is my chosen force for the SCW as they are both Monarchists and Left Footers, much like my Royalist ECW army I have a bit of sympathy with their cause, if not for that of the Nationalists in general.

Presented in the ever popular From Box to Table stylee, we will follow these little fellows from a blank piece of metal to the finished item, ready to game with. All paints are Vallejo unless otherwise stated.

First up we have the basic figure on the left, mounted on a base and primed with Matt Black Halfords spray. Painted first are the trousers with 70823 Luftwaffe Cam Green in the middle and then a highlight with a touch of white added to the base colour.

Next up comes the shirt, left to right we have a base coat of 70924 Russian Uniform WW2, followed by a heavy dry brush of 70886 Green Grey and a final highlight of 70886 with a touch of 70951 White.

A bit of 70875 Biege Brown now, on the rifle, face, hands and taping above the boots, then I have highlighted with a 50 50 mix of the Brown and 70912 Tan Yellow, on the right the rifle has been finished off with 70863 Gunmetal Grey on the metal parts.

Next up literally is the "belts and braces", base coat of some old Citadel Colour Scorched Brown with a highlight of Citadel Colour Dark Flesh.

Berets are not something I have a lot of experience with, they are the trademark of the Carlist troops of the time. Left to right I started with a base of Dark Flesh, a heavy drybrush of Citadel Foundation Mechrite Red, highlighted with Citadel Colour Blood Red, all this is topped of with the tassel, base coat of Citadel Foundation Ivanden Darksun and a highlight of 70915 Deep Yellow.

I paint the figs in batches of 5 or 6, I paint the blanket rolls the same in each batch, I tend to just grab a pot of paint at random and use that, then highlight it with a mix of base colour and white, for this batch it was 70882 Middlestone.

Final stretch of painting now, I have block painted the face n the left using 70804 Biege Red, the next stage is a highlight of 70815 Basic Skintone. Fig 3 has had the taping, rifle and belts washed with GW Devlan Mud and finally hands and face washed in GW Ogryn Flesh.

The bases are sculpted with Polyfilla, painted Miniature paints Earth Brown, highlighted with White / Earth Brown, a dash of basetex which is highlighted yellow, finished with a bit of grass tufting.

Fine figures as always from Empress, a nice addition to my SCW collection.

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