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Further to the previous post covering the Leo Baxendale period of Badtime Bedtime Books in MFC weeklies, here are all three BBBs from 1975 whose authorship raises some doubts. Perhaps together we can work it out who drew them…

Sherlock Bones (MFC No. 15, 20th September, 1975). Not mentioned in A VERY FUNNY BUSINESS and looks like it may have been drawn by someone else. It may be by Tom Paterson (the general feel of the artwork looks like Tom’s), but it may also be by Peter Davidson (the daft-looking dog in the foreground was his trademark). It may also very well be by Mr. Baxendale: for example, Sherlock’s face looks a lot like the Headmaster’s from the first BBB (see both characters side-by-side at the top of the post). What do you think?

Ghoul Dilocks and the Three Scares (MFC No. 16, 27th September, 1975) – not mentioned in A VERY FUNNY BUSINESS. The story itself is very “Baxendale” but there is something suspicious about the artwork.  Two “clues” which suggest it may be Mr. Baxendale’s work are bits of hand-written text in two panels and Don Martin noses of some of the characters (Leo imitated Don Martin in a few of his drawings in the first Willy the Kidbook):

Dick Twerpin (MFC No. 24, 22nd November, 1975). In his comment to the previous post Lew suggested it may have been drawn by Bob Dewar. Was Bob Dewar already in the comics industry at that time (summer of 1975)? If that’s indeed Bob Dewar’s work, then it is quite a good imitation of Leo’s style and the editor would have probably given him more BBBs to draw but for some reason he continued experimenting with others until Mike Brown became his final choice. Any thoughts on this?

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