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vendredi fleurs...

Can you believe that is is June/juin already -where has the time gone? And here we have another Friday....

This weeks flowers are very special to me as they have a wee story that goes with them.

On Wedenesday we had guests arriving which is a day ahead of market day in our village and we normally buy fresh flowers at the market. Hence I had a wee dilemma on my hands. French boy friend suggests that we go to the man that we normally buy our flowers from and see if he has any available.

In typical French style our "flower man" suggests a couple of choices, all of which have yet to be picked - you cannot get fresher than this. I had picked the flowers for the apartment and was admiring all of the roses which ,to my surprise were a mixture of both English and French varieties. I am a rose lover and many years ago in what seems like another life, I had a fabulous old house with a rose garden which I adored.

Our "flower man" disappeared from view for a few minutes. He returned waving the roses that you see above, stating that they were a cadeau for me.

I was not sure what to put them in - sometimes it is like every boquet of flowers demands a different vase and as a result I appear to have an ever growing collection of vases....

I remembered that a few weeks a go I bought the laduree tin at a local vide grenier......perfect for the roses.

Wishing you all a fabulous Friday, Leeann x

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