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Trial By Fire

Bicca, being of noble birth and a relative of Penda Fudd, he is neither but no one stepped forward to refute it, has become the new lord of the local Saxons. It will be several months until he could replace the losses incurred by Penda in his recent victory at Edna's ford, however not wanting Baldinus, last of the Romans, (funny that title, Bicca, had already killed three of those) to think that Saxon power was on the wane has organised a raid to burn the Britons crop, which Penda had failed to do last year. Bicca would show how it is done and gain further prestige in the process.

The object of the game would be for the Saxons to burn four objectives, for one victory point would be the cart, the stack and the rest of the crop waiting to be reaped, while two victory points would be gained by burning the farmhouse for good measure. A further one victory point would be gained for each British unit or noble killed.
To encourage his men Bicca would lead the raid in person accompanied by his champion, despite this the Saxon force morale was only six, perhaps the absence of Baldinus in the British force was the reason that theirs was only six too.
The first British unit, a group of militia, could not enter the table until the Saxons had moved, they would need a five or six on a D6 initially reducing to four, five or six after. After they appeared a British unit would arrive each turn on four to six, with the part of the table edge they arrived on being diced for. This was to simulate Baldinus not expecting any incursions so soon after the death of Penda.
The Militia Attempt To Flank The Saxons But Are Countered By Bicca's Hearth Guard

The Saxons Prepare To Fire The Farm House

The Crop Is Alight

The Militia Valiantly Attempt To Throw Back The Saxon Hoard

The Britons Are Getting The Worst Of The Combat, A Noble Comes To Give Support

The militia failed to arrive until turn two and in the most disadvantageous entry point, obviously got lost on route, by this time the Saxons were at the farm, there was no way that the Saxons could be stopped from at least fulfilling two objectives. The only recourse was to make them pay dearly, this of course did not happen, giving Bicca his first victory ahead of the new campaigning season.
The rules worked well even with only four units a side, but I think we need to tone down the command figures fighting effectiveness for next time, they had too great an effect on the combat, however it was toned down a little by some dismal dice scores  :~)


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