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The Problem With Al'Rahem

by SandWyrm

I've never been a big fan of Captain Al Rahem as a Platoon Command Squad upgrade for the IG. But Marnepup over on Librarium Online really summed it up nicely today.

From this thread:

The more I think about it, though, Al Rahem isn't very good. He doesn't cost too much for what he does, the problem is opportunity cost. Besides the question of "what else could I do with 70 points," there's the question of "what could Rahem's platoon be doing instead of cooling its heels in reserve for a turn or three?" 

The earlier in the game a shot is fired, the more valuable that shot is, because if the shot kills, then everything the target might otherwise have achieved during the rest of the game is negated. And that's obviously going to have a greater impact when you're taking away five turns of the dead unit's potential impact than if you only take away two turns. All else being equal, I'd rather have Rahem's squads hunkered in cover, laying down some dakka, oh, and throw in an additional squad for the cost of Rahem, on turns one and two, than have them come on a random table edge on turn three. 

As SW said in another time and place, Rahem would be more worthwile if he gave you options. He doesn't, he takes options away!
Perfectly said. :)

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