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Reading While Driving, and Other Stuff

Okay, I will admit that I have, on occassion, been so into a book that I was compelled to read a few lines every time I hit a stop light on my way home from work.  This week's "OMG, I Can't Put This Down" selection is Because Of You, by Jessica Scott.

Because of You: A Loveswept Contemporary Military Romance

Ya'll know how much I love a beat down on an Alpha Male hero, and Sgt. Shane Garrison fits the bill.  It's only $2.99 on Amazon right now...this is a first novel for Ms. Scott, and I can't wait for the next in this series.  Hopefully the next book will come out on a day off or something, though, so I can avoid becoming a traffic hazard.

Onto safer Auto-Literature:  Way back before the dawn of Kindle...heck, before the dawn of the home computer, there was born a human female who was raised by Cavemen:
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children, Book One): with Bonus Content
And this human female, Ayla, proceeded to have a half-caveman baby, who she left behind when she left the cavemen people.  In subsequent books in the Earth's Children series, Ayla became the MacGuyver of the prehistoric folk:  domesticating wild animials, inventing sewing, discovering flint and steel....and so on. 

Ms. Auel is one slow-assed writer. Clan of the Cave Bear was released in 1980.  Yes, that's 1980...31 years ago.  I was a sophomore in high school!  My favorite of the series was the Valley of Horses, because that's when Ayla met Jondalar and discovered "sharing pleasures".  Cause, you know, SEX. 

The fifth book came out this year. 
The Land of Painted Caves: Earth's Children (Book Six)
Ayla is aging well, and she has a kid, balancing motherhood and medicine-womanhood, she's still got that smokin' hot Jondalar as her mate (although they haven't shared many pleasures lately, as far as I can tell), she still hangs out with the horses, the wolf...

Anyway.  I got the book on audio, and it's like 35 hours worth of listening.  To details of preshistoric human life.  There is a lot of repitition of detail in here, too...explaining relationships and how Whinny's pole drag (Whinny is Ayla's horse, the pole drag is a travois thing) is used to carry people and stuff...And not much plot.  I'm about halfway through the CD's, and I'm GOING to finish this book, but I hope that when the next one comes out, in say, 2025, that Ayla goes through menopause and goes all psycho on someone's ass and creates some drama, because I'm in danger of drifting off to sleep while I'm driving and reading this one!

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