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Rarita seahorse anti oxidant cream

Korean cosmetics never cease to amaze me , they contain the most interesting and unique ingredients ever and the results they deliver to the skin is amazing. Snail secretions and placenta extracts are a thing of past  because many skincare brands are incorporating starfish exrracts to your skincare formulations. Rarita a koresn skincare brand uses sea horse extracts in its skincare products. Sea horse has been previously used in ancient chinese medicine by royal families for various purposes.

What pleased me the most are two things
1. This whole skincare line is certified halal which is great news for the Muslim population

2. The sea horse used to manufacture the cream are specially farmed and supervised in jeju islands so this is not harming the enviroment or seahorse population in any way

The cream is designed for skin brightening and anti-wrikle care. It also contains 24k gold, peptides and marine collagen

The packaging feels absolutely luxurious,
The sapphire blue tub is made out of glass  with gold details. To prevent spillage there is a protectuve lid inside. I love how they have included a nice plastic spatula along with it

The cream has slighly slimy, gel like texture with small irregular shaped tiny gold specks running in it. The cream feels heavy on touch but is easy to spread and absorbs quickly leaving behind a soft matte finish.

Since the cream is on the expensive side, and has antioxidant effect I prefer using this at night because I want my skin to get maximum benefit.

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