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Operation Dyno-Rod: After Action Report

"We have been able to piece together the dramatic events that brought to a close the dramatic siege at East Whittington Town Hall. Based on a document obtained by the Daily Mail......"

19:15 Zulu
  • Control received from Civil Power. Op Dyno-Rod cleared
19:25 Zulu
  • Alpha rappel to 1st Floor Front from roof and blow in window to Small Function Suite 
  • Bravo standby to blow roof cupola
  • Charlie / Delta approach rear windows via Registry Office garden
  • Sierra teams target windows
19:25.30 Zulu
  • Alpha engage 3xTango in SMF, 6xHotels secured
  • Bravo blow roof cupola and abseil into Main Function Suite
  • Bravo engage 1xTango from abseil rope
  • Charlie enter via rear windows into Rates Office
  • Charlie engage 1xTango
  • Delta enter via rear windows into Payment Office
  • Delta engage 1xTango
19:26 Zulu
  • Box 500 identify firing in Main Hall
  • Alpha divert from 1st Floor down stairs to lobby of MH
  • Alpha engage 1xTango
  • Bravo move up to Mayoral Suite and Admin office
  • Charlie move up to doors to MH
  • Delta move up to doors to MH
19:26.30 Zulu
  • Box 500 identify firing in Ground Floor Typing Pool
  • Alpha move to GFTP, dynamic entry
  • Alpha enage 2xTangos, secure 8xHotel
  • Bravo (1&2) enter Mayoral Suite
  • Bravo (1&2) engage 3xTangos, secure 6xHotel
  • Bravo (3&4) enter Admin Office
  • Bravo (3&4) engage 2xTangos, secure 3xHotel
  • Charlie & Delta enter MH, engage DIXBY, PARSLOW, 3rd Tango
  • DIXBY shoots Delta 3, all Tangos neutralised
19:27 Zulu
  • Alpha clear Ground Floor West
  • Bravo clear 1st Floor
  • Charlie clear Ground Floor East
  • Delta move Hotels to garden for processing
19:28 Zulu
  • Target clear, IED in main lobby door disarmed.
19:30 Zulu
  • Control returned to Civil Power 


  1. SAS teams by Combat Miniatures (ex-Hotspur) from Stonewall Figures
  2. Tangos (Terrorists) by Combat Miniatures (ex-Hotspur) from Stonewall Figures & Platoon 20 from East Riding Miniatures
  3. Hotels (Hostages) by Combat Miniatures (ex-Hotspur) from Stonewall Figures
  4. Rules: Cold War: 1983 from Wessex Games plus bits from others as appropriate.

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