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I love you from my head

 I went to the dollar store to get wrapping paper- came home with this t-towel. Of course I did!  Cotton from India , not altogether silly- a  useful , happy, love you from my  head tom-ah-toe.  Twenty years ago a friend returned with objects from Japan, all with the most ridiculous  Engrish. Erik had a book bag that said something like "Happy criminals" with   kids eating peanut butter  from a gun (?) Another sandwich bag that said "  pretty potato" and a box of tissue paper saying it was " tender devil."   and to beware!


Here is Peg , looking lovely in the sunshine. Menu today - string cheese and chicken, a favorite. 

It must have been due to the amount of rain we had this past year- the trees are the happiest I have ever seen them. I mean REALLY, just look at the branches crowded with blossoms- like chubby legs! When a bright blue jay sits on one of those plump pink  branches  my eyes nearly  break! 
 A good tree for climbing.

It will be  green soon enough  with long slender leaves and a hand full of bright vermillion cherries the size of your thumb nail.  I will not post another photo of her being so flamboyant!  Standing under her is to enter a different world (  pretty much needed right now) , enveloped in blossoms  all around & nearly to the ground. Energizing  reassuring Mama nature hug. 

Here are a couple of wild beauties, one you have met before, She has an old new boyfriend!

Sock monkeys have  such individual charm, depending on the person who stitched them.The  commercial wanna be's are cute enough,  but are not legit . This truly legit one  came to the house yesterday.  He is very old as you can see by the socks used. 

 It's a romance!  I gave one away, he wore a red fez and red corduroy overalls- sort of wish He still lived here but , you know - three's a crowd when it comes to romance- or is that just a human construct?They never went to your school, they sleep in a monkey tree..."Mother Mother" Where everything is free. AND I just read that they have been so successful with Chimera pig /human- Monkey/ human is next. They have been messing around with recipes in a dish and are confident that monkey/humans will make  great organ harvests.  Erm...


Bob Ragland died.  

I reckon creative persons  who are not  hoarding are  crippled in their pursuits.  The sky is  empty space to refresh  if one needs .   It all works out ,  balance,   the artist dies  leaving all of that stuff for the living to deal with.  I suppose, for the conscientious., that presents a dilemma.   Bob's hoard is inspiration I am  sure, wouldn't you love to be left with it to sort?   Maybe being conscientious isn't all that

AND THIS. back it up to the beginning, It seems to be stuck a few minutes in. 

When you have more time and you want to hear some lovely words, this is a worthy watch/listen. Poetry is more that poetry. 

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