Heading out to
Asgard Games this weekend for a no comp 40k tournament with Darkwynn and Jwolf. The question is do I play what I plan on bringing to Da Boyz GT or go with just something different? For those wondering, this is the current build list I want to play for the Boyz. It is an 1850 point tournament for those wondering.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Meltabombs
HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter
HQ: Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, Power Weapon, Meltaun, MoW
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack X 3
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon, Bike - Swiftclaw Bikers
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Powerfist, Combi Melta - Wolf Scouts
Wolf Guard, Thunder Hammer, Stormshield - Blood Claws
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws x 6, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 5, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Heavy Bolter X 5
I know one of the Wolf Guard is just crazy but I build the model and it looks cool. The ThunderHammer Storm shield combo just fits the idea of running with a pack of Blood Claws :).
Other army lists I could play follows
Fabius Bile
HQ: Fabius Bile
HQ: Chaos Lord, Daemonic Weapon
Elites: Possessed X 8, Mark of Tzeetnch, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Nurgle, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Khorne, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Slaanesh, Bile upgrade, Flamer X 2, Asp Champ, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Heavy: Obliterators X 3
It is solid - plays solid if not flashy and looks good on the table top. It has that random factor that is usually fun with any kinda of goofy army, plus I can say stupid stuff like - Bile it up. And I get a chance to get my Chaos Lord to actually work. He has rolled a 1 and then died the next turn both games he has been used in. Damnit he will work at some point.
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
Elites: Bloodcrushers X 3, Musician, Icon of Chaos
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 10, Icon of Chaos
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm
This is a lean and mean Daemon list for 40k. All killer no real filler.
Or maybe this stupid BA list I wrote up too - I don't think I have the terminators but still it is a thought.
HQ: Mephiston
Elites: Assault Terminators, LC X 2, TH/SS X 3, LRC, MM
Elites: Assault Terminators, LC X 2, TH/SS X 3, LRR, MM
Elites: Sang Priest X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Lightning Claw X 2
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL
This is a I move forward and you deal with me or else type of army. Simple, will beat most gimp lists, and will be a pain in the ass for others. Still, stop the fists you stop the combo. Or as I would say - CCCOMMBOO BREAKER!!!
Or I could do this instead - which is what I have for sure model wise.
HQ: Mephiston
Elites: Sang Priest X 2
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Troops: Ass Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, LRC, MM
Troops: Ass Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, LRC, MM
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, Asscannon
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, Asscannon
Another version with BT jerks to do some damage.
So yeah thoughts?
Oh some painted stuff - Cuz I painted stuff!!!