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Burning Witch Adventurers Session #17- Byndle R.I.P. **Updated**

The Burning Witch has been filled with a certain lightness as old comrades Hate Pit, PakPak, Thea Noir, and GaWoosh reunited to plan a new expedition with relative newcomers Wolfgang and Byndle (not the beheaded one but the other one, his fancily dressed brother). It had been a long time since the four had delved together. Especially long for GaWoosh, who has been in a sort of hiding ever since the Orrder of the Illuminated Eye killed all those gnomes inside "The Complex." After sorting through some maps, the party could be overheard settling on visiting the altar of some forgotten god known as "Math". The group was, in all:

  • Byndle (Level 1 Thief), deceased
  • GaWoosh (Level 1 Gnome)
    • Ornie Coldcut (Level 0 Man-at-Arms)
  • Hate Pit (Level 1 Vatspawn)
    • Banx (Level 1 Illusionist)
  • PakPak (Level 2 Kobold)
  • Thea Noir (Level 2 Assassin)
  • Wolfgang (Level 1 Duelist)
PakPak explains to a pair of Vatspawn the facts of life by PakPak's player Rob.

The party returned bearing Byndle's body. There was talk of laying it at rest next to his brother.

Banx, having gotten her first share, promptly spent it carousing. The normally laconic prestidigitator let a detail slip here and there about strange rituals PakPak and GaWoosh performed an altar, moving through a ton of secret doors, and how Byndle had his face eaten off by some walking corpse. Her favorite story was explaining how her employer took on the phsical properties of an ooze and melted down into a puddle to pour under a door. Banx doesn't even need to get high to see that shit anymore! Several days of alcohol fueled antics came to a crashing halt when Banx ended up in a fist fight with some off-duty members of the Orm Civil Defense Force.


  • 1 silver mirror worth 60gp
  • 1 vial of a red glowing liquid
  • 1 metal beaker covered in mystical symbols and arcane formula
  • 5 gems each worth 250gp
  • 1 crystal bottle containing something resembling dirty water.
  • 1 glass vial containing a thick, orange-gold substance.

Experience Points

  • 1310xp for treasure
  • Defeated 1 puddle of ooze x 13xp ea.
  • Defeated 3 reanimated corpses x 25xp ea.
  • Defeated 2 giant slugs x 13 ea.
  • Defeated 1 mossy ooze x 25xp.
  • Defeated 8 giant rats x 5xp ea.

Player Character Cut

  • 297xp ea.
  • 250gp ea. (Banx took the mirror for a "1/2 share"). 

Remaining items

  • How do you all want to go about identifying the liquids and the beaker? You could pay 100gp ea. to have the theoretical magicians of Society of the Coruscating Seal look into them or you could have the magic-users in the library known as Athanæum of the Old Sun (or are they calling themselves the Old Sun Disciples?) investigate them. Or, you could try to uncover some third avenue of identification using a downtime activity.
  • Speaking of downtimes. I know a few of you have mentioned things you would like to do.
    • I know Charlie spoke of Wolfgang spending 100gp to stage a dueling demonstration in order to attract the favorable attention of the landowners of Orm. Roll 2d6+modified by your reaction bonus to see how that goes.
    • Marie discussed gifting something to Banx to cultivate the working relationship between you. Tell me how much you are spending and we will go from there.
    • Anyone else, just let me know!

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