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Battle report : Epic week end !

Hi, today I share with you two games I played againts Sir Patatovitch this month. More a pics report than a standard Battle report... I hope you enjoy the sceneries and the armies.

First battle : 3000pts Epic Armageddon rules

The first game is a classic battle between Orks and the Imperial Guards, we added specials objectifs to link this battle to the next game. The two armies looking to find in these ruined city the Bogdanork twins Igor and Grichka, these two "scientist" Orks are totally disoriented after an orbital bombardment on their bunker, both twins derive at the beginning of every turn. The faction which capture them will have the initiative for the next game.

The Imperial Guard army From Omphalia of Patatovitch
The Orks mob of Nico 
The Battlefield
Imperial guard advance
Orks advance in the ruined city
After they break the unit of Warhounds, my Blitz Brigade was exterminated
by the courageous Mounted Guards
On the other side of the battlefield, my bis Orks  Mob prepare it assault
against a building hold by an Imperial Guard company  
General view of the battlefield
A mechanized company from Omphalia
The mechanized company resist to the combined shots
of the Stompa and the Mekboy Gargant
The Imperial Guards try a last assault against the BadMoonz Orks.

The Imperium win the battle but every faction captured a twin "scientist",  It's not enough to give the initiative for the next game....

Second battle : 5000pts Epic Armageddon rules

For me, this is THE battle of the week end. Indeed, I always wanted to play an Epic game only with Titans in the style of Adeptus Titanicus. With Patatovitch we immediately agreed on the interest of this kind of battle, so much on the pleasure to play that for the pleasure of our eyes.
Morning Star Legion of Patatovich
Ork Gargant Big Mob of Nico
General view of the battlefield.
Gems around the Titan bases represent their shields.
Marvelous sceneries of Pierre Yves (Mac Minatures)

We played 6 turns in 3 hours, that relatively fast for an Epic Armageddon game. Major Victory for Titan Legion, Warlords are really powerfull in assault compared to the great Gargants. The Orks  managed to blow up two Warlords reactors but that's not enough to discouraging the Imperium!!

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