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1812 : 2012 Big Events in the Peninsula

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As any Napoleonic buff will know, the year 1812 saw some dramatic developments in the long-running war on the Iberian Peninsula (War of Liberation). Firstly the re-capture of the key border fortress towns of Cuidad Rodrigo and Badajoz by the British in January and April and then the decisive Battle of Salamanca in July.

The capture of Badajoz, occurred after one of those chance events in war. The main British attacks had been driven back by the defenders, but the forlorn hope, Leith's 5th Division, entered the fortress town by the more sparsely defended San Vincente bastion, taking the defenders in the rear and thus tipping the balance in favour of the attackers.

The battle of Salamanca (Los Arapiles) (22nd July 1812) occurred when Marmont with the 'Army of Portugal', which had been marching parallel to Wellington's army for six days, mistook dust clouds for a retreat of Wellesley's army. The French marshal sent his army to swing around what he thought was the southern flank of the Anglo-Allied troops. He had misjudged badly and was actually marching across Wellington's front. Wellesley launched his army in a devastating counter-attack which smashed three French divisions before General Clausel, the third French commander for the day, re-organised the remaining troops. Stabilising his left flank with Sarrut's division, he sent his own and Bonnet's divisions to counter-attack. This was successful at first, driving off Cole's 4th Division and striking at the 6th Division, but was eventually stopped and driven back by Spry's Portuguese brigade of the 5th Division, reinforced by 1st and 7th Divisions. The remains of the French army retreated, in good order, eastwards back over the River Duoro, covered by General Foy's division in rearguard.

Panorama of Salamanca

Check out these blogs in relation to these events
Badajoz Diorama
It is not wargaming, but Rafa Pardo has alerted us to the impressive and dramatic diorama of the attack on La Trindad bastion at the Museo Luis de Morales (Sala de las batallas) Plaza Santa María, 2 - 06002 Badajoz (Spain).

Wargaming Salamanca
Meanwhile, the Association of Riflemen in Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain, France have staged a great game based on Salamanca. Check out Phil's reports, with some wonderful photos, of the first stages of the battle and the final acts. Great stuff, with unexpected results!

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