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Trying not to spiral out of control....

So I've sewn all the hexagons I can from stacking and whacking this piece of Phillip Jacobs fabric...

and this is how it looks...

Now there are 54 hexagons here and I was able to sew a total of 63 hexagons from that repeat.  To keep the pattern going in this layout you need 12 hexagons to make 2 rows so I'm  3 hexagons short of adding another 2 rows. I could cut full hexagon shapes from the remaining fabric but right now I'm leaning toward leaving this as it is... no need to let it spiral out of control and get bigger and bigger and bigger... as I am normally inclined to do. The potholder to twin size quilt incident in my past still haunts me... LOL!

In looking at the photo of the design wall I think I have too many hexagons that read light on the right hand side. I can change out a few with the ones I have left over. Not making this bigger gives me options... and options are good...right?

I got some great spinning designs out of this fabric...

Now to buckle down and sew the rows together and get this done. The crafty ADHD is quite strong right now as I have 2 new layer cakes begging to be cut into... and at least 6 other projects in various stages of unfinishedness. I should hang my head in shame...but I won't...when it is their time they will see the light of day again and get finished. What did Descartes say, "I think, therefore I am"... for me it is "I have lots of UFO's, therefore I am...crazy... LOL!

happy stitching-
carol fun

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