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The Light Box

Well, I finally have a light box and some idea of how to use it. I used my wife's Nikon D40 camera, a tripod and a bunch of lights. You can see my ghetto set-up in the pictures below.  It took me all of a half hour to build, basically just a bunch of wood bracketed together.

 Now, I have these rats that I want to sell, so I figured this will be great.  I'll finally be able to take some decent pictures to post on eBay.  The results were less than I had hoped for (although they were better than my usual pictures)
 The key to it all is White Balance.  The Rat Ogre above looks somewhat yellowish and dull. Nothing pops. Now check out this banner wavin' SOB below.
Hell of a difference. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I am on my way to Better Picture Land.

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