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Sunny Thursday

It is beautiful and bright here today. Several loads of washing have been hung out to dry, and earlier I even witnessed the rare occurrence of the base of the laundry basket becoming visible! A small but important victory. 

This morning, I visited the supermarket for what should have been the weekly shop, but in reality what I have bought will only last us for the next couple of days, as I just could not be bothered to think any further ahead than the weekend. I am quite sure I'm not alone in finding meal planning tedious at times, but then comes my guilt at knowing that having a choice is, indeed, a first world problem to have. With that in mind, I have settled for Spanish Omelette this evening - simple, but tasty.

While I was in the garden hanging out the washing, I had a potter around. I enjoy spending time looking at the plants and checking for new growth. The wildflowers are beginning to open up now and there is a constant sound of buzzing in the air. The little lemon trees appear to be growing well, and I can't think how I have managed to keep them alive up to this point. The lavender and hydrangea are creating a nice border for the lawn and the large dry patch beneath the swing has grassed over - for now, at least. The solar fountain is currently working hard in the sunshine.

The blackcurrants are beginning to ripen now, and it is already clear that the bush will produce far more fruit than it did last year. I've collected a bowlful this morning, which I will wash and freeze later, ready for making jam in the coming weeks. 

Cycling home this afternoon, I couldn't help but notice the sweet scent of the hedgerows, from the honeysuckle, meadowsweet and elderflower, which spill out onto the lane. It is a lovely ride to and from work, and I feel so lucky I don't always have to drive at this time of year. Instead, I get to experience the beautiful countryside views and warm, gentle breeze as I ride along. I will enjoy it while I can, as it will be a very different story when the days begin to shorten and there is a chill in the air.

Talking of elderflowers, just as I'd hoped, I did enjoy some of my cordial in a glass of prosecco at the weekend. It was a small celebration of myself and a friend having completed The Ullswater Way, which is a 20 mile walk around - yes, you've guessed it - the lake of Ullswater! It is a really lovely, waymarked walk, which we started and finished in Glenridding, at the lower end of the lake. The walk can be completed in shorter sections, but we decided to walk it all in one day. It took us around eight hours in total and I certainly slept well that night. 

J. X

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