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Sunday Stuff

A tiny barn, with a far away view starts this Sunday.  Taken on the long journey to pick up the girl of the house at an airport.  When I say I live in a small town, I mean a small town away from modern conveniences.

Today I had the pleasure of caring for a friend's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  What a sweet girl and she has the softest ears. 

The new kitten of the house is crazy.  As in way more daring and adventurous than our older cat ever was as a kitten.  I think there is nothing she won't try. 

I have a few adventures planned for this week and after that.....well, it is time to start setting up my classroom.  I know, I know....where did the break go? 

I also have to help the girl of the house prep for her dorm room.  Stuff to do....stuff to do....

Linking up with The Barn Collective today. 

Wishing all of you a great week ahead. 

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