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Some more vehicles for Bolt Action

Up next we got some vehicles that I painted last year for Operation Sting.  Again, I never got around to posting anything involving them, so I'm rectifying that.  I believe both models are resin.  The Kubelwagen has some metal parts to it, but is primarily resin.

So up first we have my Panzer III model.

I really like the look of this tank.  This is one of my favorite models I've done for Bolt Action and was a lot of fun to paint.  I think it came out really good and I'm very happy with it.

Up next we got my Kubelwagen, lets take a look....

This model kit was a pain in the ass to build.  Lots of little fiddly bits and if you know anything about Warlord games, they're not the best with directions on they're resin models.  I think I glued my hands to this model like 5 times.  Painting wise, it came together pretty well.  I'm happy with how it turned out.  Trying to paint the driver was a bit tricky.  I also would've liked it if they would've given me a glass or something in the kit to put in for the windshield instead of having a blank space.  Sure, I could put together something, but I'm not going to.

That's it for today, thanks for checking it out.

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