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I finally gave in........

and went to the doctors.

Turns out not only have I got bad allergies; I also have a "virus:  I think a "virus" is a catch-all term for "you have something; not sure what, but antibiotics should do the trick!!"

So I came out with a prescription for oral antibiotic's, antibiotic drops for my eyes, and allergy eye drops.  From that you will have guessed it's my eyes that are a problem, with them constantly watering and they are closed shut in the morning, with gunk and stuff.

It's been a bad year for allergies around here, as it has been so dry.  Plus we are surrounded by potato fields and we live on a building site.  Dust is the biggest culprit for me, along with fresh mown grass and pollen.

Anyhoo, things must be bad, as I am using a nasal spray on my nose, and to my mind that is icky and a no, no.  Also I would rather go to the dentist than do anything with my eyes; especially put drops in them.  As I have NEVER put drops in my eyes before, honestly I avoid all things eyes like the plague; I decided I had better have a word with the pharmacist to get some tips on how to do it.

So she was quite graphic in explaining the technique, and if she didn't show me once, she had to show me numerous times how to make a "pocket" in your lower eyelid.  Tears were pouring from my eyes meanwhile; not crying just my eyes watering thinking about it all.  In the end I told her to stop demonstrating I got the picture.  I then asked if I did the antibiotic eye drop and then put in the allergy one straight after.  No, I have to wait five minutes between drops.  At that point I rolled my eyes and said,"is this so I can prolong the agony?"  She found that funny and then said I only had to wait a minute or two.

So I have put the drops in twice now.  I have to do this for 10 sodding days...........I am not happy but I am desperate for some relief, so I will pull up my big girl pants and get on with it I guess?

Meanwhile I look like this:
roll on Fall..........

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