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A Classic 1980s Dust Up – Iran vs Iraq

Another great game of Team Yankee which pitted some expertly painted Iranians, equipped with mainly British and American kit, against their arch-rivals, Iraq, equipped with French and Soviet hardware.

Playing to the Dust Up mission, the Iranians attempted a flanking manoeuvre with Scorpions and Chieftains. This was brutally stopped by Iraqi T72s and Saggar missiles, fired from well positioned BMP1s. The Iranians then suffered a series of crucial, unlucky die rolls for both their morale and delayed reserves, enabling a flight of roaming Iraqi Mi-24 Crocodiles/Hinds, equipped with Spiral missiles, to pick off the remaining Chieftains.

Other games this evening included an 18th Century ‘Rebels and Patriots’ game and a FoW game, utilising another combination from the German Bulge book.

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