I'm now hearing about a X Com 2 game being made, and the storyline is amazing. The story takes place 20 years after Xcom and the Earth have surrendered to the power of alien forces. Humanity lives in controlled environments where they are brainwashed to believe their alien masters are organizing an advance society where alien and human can co-exist as long as humanity obeys alien rulers.
Xcom forces know the truth and convince you and others to rebel against the alien dictatorship. You take control of an alien supply ship known as the Avenger and travel the world gaining rebel support and exposing the aliens real plans for humanity.
There will be five classes of soldiers each with their own set of skill trees. The current roster of enemies for Xcom 2 is:
Advent Trooper
Advent Captain
Advent Mech
Advent Turret
After reviewing some changes to the game, I found myself intrigue about the new innovations. A new feature is you have to save critically wound or dead bodies of dead soldiers. You no longer get the gear of fallen soldiers or enemies just by completing the mission. You can set the evacuation zone which calls the skyranger to come for your team. You can hack enemy weapons and vehicles. Aliens are stronger than advent soldiers, and you will need to use group tactics to take them down.
You can use melee weapons like machetes to attack instead of being limited to projectile weapons. You can set up stealth and ambush tactics, but still retain the elements of gunblazing and taking down aliens. You can destroy environments to get better accuracy on attacking enemies. There are time of day, geography, and weather changes that will effect the maps. Each soldier has accents instead of the game being dominated by american accents.
I remember playing Xcom: Unknown enjoying the turn based aspects and 80 maps generator. In Xcom 2, there will be a random map generator that will give gamers an infinite amount of map possibilities. The expected release date in November 2015.