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Today is a very sad day for me... and my first car! T_T

This is not beauty related but about something that happened to me this morning.

The Story: I was driving to work like I normally do on a rainy day.. I guess today was rainier than usual rainy days and my car started to hydroplane :( At first it was like going back and forth and then the car started to twirl in circles! I seriously don't know how far and long I was spinning I was just thinking PLEASE DON'T HIT ANYTHING! But then I felt it hit in the rear and I guess that's when I hit my head on the steering wheel :T... I didn't realize it because I was so numb and cold from the rain and when I got home and started defrosting, I felt the bump on my head and then my neck is kind've hurting but I don't think it's anything. My boyfriend really wants me to go get it checked out tomorrow but I don't have time until Tuesday or something. I ended up in the middle lane on the interstate and the car straight as if I could just start my car and keep driving. THAT WOULD BE THE CASE except for the fact that I already hit stuff. A car pulled over to the lane on the right and stopped to see if I were okay and a trucked pulled up next to me and checked if I was okay and told me I needed to move over. I was freaking out because the car wouldn't start but it did afterwards. I was in complete shock because CD's flew everywhere and like literally.... everything flew everywhere! I didn't cry and I ran out of my car with no jacket on and got soaked and was just freaking out and I could feel myself shaking :( The guys told me I needed to call the police over and I did and the truck left but the car stayed with me until help came.

I ended up on the bridge and was like WHOA! I could've fell into the Trinity River! OMG, that would've been even scarier but luckily I didn't. I was no where near any other cars so no one else got hit by me which was even more lucky! I also don't have any real damage to my body so I guess that's another thing to be thankful for. There was a Medstar ambulance passing by and they stopped to check if I was okay. Then there was another ambulance that was already coming, and there was a firetruck coming, and two police cars. It was so embarrassing for me because I'm like do we really need this many people?!?! They really urged me to go to the hospital to get checked out but honestly I wasn't feeling any obvious pain and really thought that all the people that came was so unnecessary! I did start crying like crazy though whenever I called my boyfriend because it really just hit me then that I just smashed my car up! lol, and when I think about my car now I start crying too. I guess I just haven't gotten over it yet.

Okay, so we don't know if the car is totaled yet until the insurance people come to look at it but if it's fixable we're going to fix it and if it's totaled, then I'm going to be really sad! Honestly I love my car... If we fix it then I will drive a rental car until it's fixed and if it's totaled then they're going to take it away and we look for another car and I am forced to drive a Mercedes around! OMG, like seriously?! I just got into an accident with the bridge (which wasn't my fault but maybe the rain) and you're gonna give me a Mercedes to drive :O... I honestly don't want to drive it around because gas is going to be expensive so hopefully my car is fixable! :)

Here are the photos of the car! I tried to put the least painful to look at first.. lol. You can literally see that I rammed into the bridge like all over by the damage :(

What I'm not loving is that I cannot open the trunk and I have text books in there! ZOMG @_@ What about my schoolwork?! LOL, well I can go in from the inside so I'm gonna do that tomorrow.

So what do you think? Is it totaled? I don't know! I'm just really sad to see my baby in this condition :(

My birthday is coming up on the 22nd this month! I'm gonna try to hurry up and get my giveaway posted up but I'm not going to be allowed to drive the Mercedes anywhere except to school and back so I'm gonna have to find someone to drive me to the post office! :T


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