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A new eatery has opened in Damansara Uptown. It is called Wishever.

Their concept is pretty much like an eatery that I used to love but has since closed, Theori Food.

Of course I had to check it out.

Wishever is located next to Village Park.

You have to climb up a flight of stairs.

And when I got inside, that's when I realized that the location was exactly where Theori Food used to be.

The interior is very similar, with white furniture, very neat and clean.

But gone was the cold clinical feel as the people of Wishever have injected color and warmth to the place. 

It is now a very cosy place where you can share wholesome meals with your family and friends.

Now, for the food.

Ordering is by way of an order chit.

You choose one main, one base, three sides and one taste (ie topping). With each bowl comes a default side of one egg and chopped nuts. You also get a free cold brew tea.

For the main, you will be spoilt for choice. There are three options for the main - vegetarian (RM12.00), chicken (RM15.00) and seafood (RM18.00).

The sides are more limited, you select three from a choice of eight. Of course, you can have more at a price. For the big eaters, you can also upsize your base and your main.

There are also desserts, salads, savory sides and beverages.

On my first visit, it took me some time to decide what I wanted.

In the end, I settled for the Korean Spicy Stewed Chicken (of course, Korean, right?) with a base of brown rice, three sides of broccoli, edamame and Japanese kyuri (cucumber) and a taste (topping) of fried shallots.

I was asked if I preferred very spicy or mild and with memories of Buldak Myeon still fresh in my head, I opted for mild.

The spicy chicken had dried chilies in it and though it was not the Korean taste that I had expected, it was still enjoyable. The heat was quite potent and luckily the cold brew tea help to easy the sting.

This is the (soy sauce) egg which came with the meal.

The cold brew tea (this one is jasmine) is served in a pouch. I should have asked for a cup but I did not. This tea is lovely, fragrant and light. 

Yes, I returned. This time I was given Earl Grey and a glass. Nice! My first time tasting Earl Grey tea, jakun or what? I loved it, very fragrant and so refreshing.

This time, I chose the Vietnamese Lemongrass Grilled Chicken (code MV02). There is another Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken (code Mv01). What's the difference? MV02 is fried while the other is pan-grilled (confusing, no?).

I was given a soy based sauce just in case the chicken was dry.

Nope it was not dry at all. The chicken was very well marinated (I can smell the lemongrass) and fried till crispy on the outside and moist of the inside. I give this fried chicken two thumbs up and have marked it as a favorite.

Having said that, the sauce was a welcome addition to flavor the rice. It had a nice taste and was not too salty.

I enjoyed this meal more than the first one. If at all I have anything to comment, I feel that the chopped nuts and egg would be better placed as a choice among the sides.

Some people may not like nuts or may not want an egg. Me, I am good with egg anytime but I have a quibble with the nuts. In keeping with the health promoting theme, the nuts are lightly (it at all) roasted and have a smell and taste that all raw (or almost raw) nuts have.

Personally, I prefer a deeper roast and if given a choice, I would skip the nuts. That's just my opinion, though I would gladly eat those nuts.

I am happy to note that e-wallet is accepted here. I guess I will be back from time to time.

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