There have been many heart changes for me since moving into our own home just over nine months ago. Changes which have caused my life to alter direction in the way I plan, how I approach trials, the way I steward what God has gifted us, the value I give to everyday life, and the depth of appreciation I now have for the simplest and often most basic prayers...prayers which have taken me from a sometime-place of doubtful hope to an everyday-place of earnest delight and hope in the Lord's response.
At age 60, there's a lot of years to look back over. Years without Jesus, and even more years with Jesus. Those years have given me much about life to reflect on and yes, much to regret...but there is far more that I cherish beyond measure because through the deepest, darkest valleys and up to highest peaks, I was never alone, not once. The Lord Jesus was by my side in good time and hard time, step by weary step, wiping away tear after tear, celebrating my overflowing joys, laughing with me at the silliest most wonderful moments, prompting me forward when I wanted to stay behind, holding me back if the way forward was fraught with dangers.
I cannot express to you the absolute HOPE which continues to bloom and flourish in my heart with each day lived in His presence. HOPE which is boundless, HOPE which shines as a bright beacon of love and safety when the foggy moments of life tempt me to hide.
This life is not perfect, it never was and never will be. Some of my scars go deeper than you could ever imagine, yet it is Jesus alone Who reaches down to lift my soul and draw me close to His perfect loving heart when the depths of grief and sorrow threaten my sanity.
And this Saviour of ours, this Man of Sorrows who came to earth so He could take upon Himself the sins of the world, doesn't just hold me up, He's waiting to hold you up too. No matter what your circumstance. When you HOPE in Jesus and genuinely call on His name - "Lord Jesus, I need you, help me" - He will answer, He will respond, He WILL be there.
I am indeed blessed.
Because I trust in the Lord and my HOPE is always in Him.
May our precious Lord meet you today, right where you are. May His boundless HOPE fill your heart and prayers. May His grace and mercy flow abundantly over your life and shine everlasting Light through the darkness.
May your heart be brave and courageous to trust Him, to really trust Him like you never have before, so that His peace which surpasses all understanding floods into your heart.
I am not ashamed to declare my allegiance to Christ.
I am His alone, bought with a blood price that none can compare.