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I have spent the last couple of days

really thinking of what I want this year

what do I want to do?
what do I want to change?
where do I want to go?

I also needed a word for this year

these are a couple chosen by friends

I have struggled with this in the past
do I really want one word to define my year?

then Christmas eve
during the candlelight service
it hit me ~ do you think He gave me a nudge?

I choose Sing!

it really is a no brainer for me
it is something I do without thinking
and on a daily basis

plus I already have a really cool necklace
with THAT word on it
that I got here

so am I taking the easy way out?

call me a beginner

so as I reflect on what 2010 was
and I am filled with hope 
and look forward to what 2011 has to bring...


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