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Lock Down Day Ten

Today, Friday 3 April, is Day 10 of our total lockdown.  Have I gone totally bananas yet?  Well, I hope not but I was incredibly grumpy this morning!

I found more pantry moth grubs and discovered some seedlings I had forgotten to plant.  There was a dead mouse sitting out on the terrace and our toilet cistern has begun leaking again.  Blah, blah, blah – just one of those days, really.  They happen sometimes.

Coastal sunset in The Catlins, South Island, NZ

Anyway, son went to the supermarket and managed to find some gunk while he was there (three times the price of a hardware store) so that should fix the toilet.  He also got rid of the mouse.

While he was out I gave my car its weekly exercise – start it up, back down driveway, turn around on the road, drive back up our driveway and stop.  I know vehicles can deteriorate if left sitting unattended for several weeks on end, so Friday has become Car Exercise Day.

My sweet little Suzuki Swift, parked on a mountain

After that I tackled our pantry.  Every item has been removed and checked for moth contamination.  Some food has had to be thrown out (hate doing that), and the rest has been put into sealed Zip-Lock bags before being returned to their containers. 

The shelves have all been scrubbed down and disinfected.  I am hoping that, a bit like fruit fly, when there is no food available the pest will disappear.  As a bonus to all this, the pantry is sparkling clean and very tidy!

The sun rising over Zion National Park, Utah, USA

This evening I will plant out the viola seedlings and hope they survive.  We are still under water restrictions, although not as bad as some places further north from here, but I can water them in with a hand-held hose.

Son reported our local Pak’n’Save supermarket was out of or very low on several items, the strangest being six lonely carrots sitting in a large bin!  They have flour again, but only in 20kg bags, and all of the loose bulk food bins have been packaged up into huge bags.  I wanted a few walnuts, but I now have enough to last me for months.

The sun is shining and I feel much better for having achieved something today. 

Keep smiling J

LINKING UP WITH Skywatch Friday

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