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A Kind Man.

This tree is huge and it is one tree, despite the split trunks.   It is an enormous old ash tree of at least 150 years, possibly nearer 200 years, definitely my favourite tree in our village of Little Bunting.

According to ancient tree lore, the ash is a healing tree and simply passing a sick child through the split trunks can heal them.    So, next time Merry or Hector are unwell we know what to do!

Way up in the boughs of the mighty ash is this little wooden house.

I'm not quite sure what, if anything, lives there but I imagine it must be quite a long time since it was last cleaned out, judging by that pile of sticks and twigs.

A magnificent tree, but I'm so glad that it doesn't tower over Parsonage Cottage!

*    *    *

At 6pm tonight the telephone rang and without preamble old Oscar said that he has to go to the dentist at 10am tomorrow...  

Oscar was silent, waiting...

Max reluctantly agreed to take him - if there are no delays it will take a big chunk of almost an hour and a half out of his busy day and means that some meetings must be postponed.

Max may be a grumpy old man, who hates attending social events and who drives me mad with his repetitive whistling, but he is the kindest man I know.x

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