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20mm Britannia Afghans

Progress continues at a snail's pace on my Britannia 20mm Afghan fighters/enemy/Taliban-types. I seem to have so many pulls on my time these days with work and various other compulsory distractions that things seem to take an age. This means I have to restrict myself to relatively unambitious projects that allow a reasonable balance between painting/making and playing. I suppose I'll get there in the end...perhaps...

The two 'elders' as I have termed them cautiously advance through my scratch-built structures...

Reinforcements arrive ...etc; the buildings are the usual foam board and beer mat remnants, liberally sprinkled with sand and dry-brushed.

Sneaky, sneaky goat herds...

The goodies (us Brits in this case,) wait in ambush - 'watch and shoot - watch and shoot!' ...

The enemy receive critical int via their network of local dickers and, wanting to avoid direct contact, back up...

As quickly as they arrived, they melt away into the back alleys and side streets, due the presence of overwhelming NATO forces and lack of painted comrades...

More to follow,


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