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TCS ~ SEPTEMBER 2013 ~ Butterscotch Cream Roll-Up

We at
(above: do drop by for a visit!)
baked our 2nd last cake from
Currently Baking From:
Vintage Cakes by Julie Richardson
I love love this particular cakebook
and am sorry that we only have another cake left
with it before we start on our new book
~ Butterscotch Cream Roll-up ~
I made the full recipe
but used pistachios instead of sliced almonds
a very light sponge cake
with an extra light cream filling
but my first time making butterscotch ~ a success I might say!
a tall roll up cake
go visit H E R E to see 
the results of my fellow TCS members
and get the RECIPE HERE!
update ~ DH shared this slice with me for breakkie
 packed for distribution
 cake's firmer after overnight in the fridge
note from our admin:
Hello"The Cake Slice" Lovers ... We are at that time of the year when we start accepting our New Members! If you'd like to be part of our group please contact Paloma King from The Coffee Shop at: love.for.coffee@gmail.com and write "The Cake Slice" on the subject, ask how you can be part of our "Secret Baking Group" and you will soon be able to start baking with us and be part of our Secret Blog and Secret FB group. Please share this on your page if you think you might have a friend or two who would be interested to join.
~ Thank you! ~

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