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Perpetually Cold

Chilled to the bone. I'm irritable and in a constant state of snappiness. Because I'm cold !
I know there are many, many people in a worse state of cold than I am, but I can't think of that right now.
We've moved to the south of France and I want to feel some warmth. In all fairness, it is more bearable outside than indoors.
Our house is draughty. Uninsulated floors with cold cellars underneath, gaps under and around the doors, single-pane windows.
We have one gorgeous woodburner in the sitting room, but it can't keep up with the cold in the house, and we can't keep up with bringing the logs indoors.  The other rooms have electric heaters, which we don't use too much, because if we boil the kettle, or use the washing machine, etc. the fuse will blow.

I'm not sure if we made the right decision by replacing the woodburner in the kitchen with a range cooker. It is a stunning beast, granted, but it doesn't radiate much heat.

Now we've made up our minds to install central heating, but until that happens I'm wearing several layers, including two thick jumpers, mitts on my hands (fingers still cold) and a scarf around my neck. I've closed off most of the gaps under the doors (with rolled up throws) and hung some curtains at the most offending one. Double glazed windows have been ordered as well as new outside doors.
Next step however is insulating the floors.

I would say, roll on summer, but no, we've still too many projects to start and finish before we can open up our campsite ! Oh Jeez what have we taken on ?

Patricia xxx...x

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