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My List of Research, So Far

Here're some of the items for which I need to hie me to the library:

The Inquisition - hierarchy, major dates, etc.

The Ottoman Empire and its welcome of Jews during the Inquisition

Travel in 1492 - overland? ships on the Meditteranean? passports, papers, etc. between countries?

Foods readily available when travelling on foot across Spain - loquats? oranges? berries? fish?

Flora and fauna in Spain in 1492

Columbus' journey - ports and dates

Judaism in 1492

(other) Major events in 1492 - art, books, etc.

Cistercians vs Benedictines (I've got a monk, and don't know what order he belongs to yet)

Daily schedule in a monastery

Holy days in Judaism and Catholicism throughout the year

If I have the energy, I might even look up moon phases. I was pleasantly surprised to see that, after I had written it as taking place on a Tuesday, I found out that Columbus really did sail on a Tuesday!

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