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Majestic cypresses

I've had some issues recently with my camera and haven't been able to photograph some of the models I've been making for my Salute Game "Bloody Cremona, 69 AD".  Today, happily, that is resolved and I can start to catch up.

Here are some new cypresses. I love the pencil-thin cypress tree. They always remind me of the Dylan lyric "I waited for you on the running boards, near the cypress trees, while the springtime turned Slowly into Autumn." I am especially keen on these particular cypresses because I made them and they cost almost nothing, unlike model cypresses which cost a couple of quid each (and aren't as nice IMHO). They stand around 6" tall (next to the 28mm figure).

A WIP Cypress is shown to the left.

In order to make the trees, I twisted a double thickness of black pipe cleaners together to make the trunk, and then other pipe cleaners around them to achieve the characteristic pencil thin shape, slightly wider at the bottom. I then dipped the trees in diluted wood glue and applied a couple of coats of fine sponge (two colours, mixed), later revisiting to touch-up any bald patches.

The trunk was glued into a hole drilled into an MDF disc and this, in turn, glued to a coin to act as a counterweight. I textured the bases and later I will partially flock them. Job done!  

I would really love to make some characteristic Italian umbrella pines up but I fear that time will preclude this...

If you are coming to Salute, please drop in to see me at my game (GM11 on the Salute map, near to the seating area that is furthest from the entrance).

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