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Long Distance Love Quotes Biography

source link (google.com.pk)
Who Am I?

I am a “long distance lover”, probably just like you.

I am a young man that puts up with the daily challenges of a long distance relationship…the unbearable missing, the deeply hidden fear of losing her, the stress and worries that fill my head sometimes, the unsatisfied physical desire and the frustration of the whole situation that I find myself in.

I’ve been in Long Distance Relationships for a looong time now, and I believe that I learned a lot and it’s finally time to share my knowlege and inspire other men like you to keep believing in your long distance relationship and make sure that it works “Like A Charm”.

Some people say that expertise comes with experience. What if I would tell you that true expertise comes with experience,  knowledge and passion?

So far, it’s been around 7 years of experience, 4 years of good knowledge and one year of unstoppable passion and desire teach, so I am here to share with you my expertise on the subject that I am most passionate about – Relationships, and more specifically Long Distance Relationships.

Let me give you some more details about my experience, knowledge and passion…

These were seven years in which I had 6 serious, long distance relationships with six amazing girls, one of which is my current long distance lover, and we’re having the most magnificent long distance relationship that I’ve ever had.

Now, in these 7 years, I’ve been lucky enough to have a variety of experiences, I’ve had short term relationships of 2-3 months, I’ve had medium term relationships of 6 months to 1 year and I’ve had long term relationships of over one year. My current relationship is approaching 2 years soon. And just look at what she keeps telling me:

2.5 years in a long distance relationship (and closed the distance recently)
“I just can’t get enough of you! And if we don’t talk for one single day… I start feeling nervous and anxious, like something is missing. You’re like a drug to me!”


We closed the distance and now we live together in a lovely apartment in Denmark.
Read more about how we did it here: We Closed The Distance, And You Can Too!

I’ve been in relationships initiated online trough dating sites, I’ve been in relationships initiated in person and then continued online because of the distance, I’ve been in relationships where we were seeing each other every 1-2 weeks, others where we were seeing each other every 2-3 months and others where we were seeing each other every 5-6 months or even after one year.

I’ve been in the situation where we had to use different means of communication, sometimes only phone calls and text messages, other times classic post letters, other times internet and all that comes with it…chatting, voice & video calling, emails etc.

So I know what it means to have a long distance relationship, I’ve been through different scenarios and I enjoyed most of them. Sure, it was somehow difficult, but I survived, learned a lot and now I am enjoying an amazing long distance relationship with my partner.

Why did I go from one long distance relationship to another?
You see, I come from a country that doesn’t give its citizens the life and the opportunities that they deserve. That’s why in last 7 years I  lived in 5 different countries and traveled all around Europe  looking for the best place to settle down for a while.

Currently this place is Denmark. This is the place where I feel the most calm and safe, that’s why I enjoy living here (for now).

So, now you see why “Long Distance Relationships” were and still are my specialty – not out of pleasure but out of necessity. Just like you and many other readers of this blog, are in a L.D.R. because of necessity.

One more thing to keep in mind is that all of my previous relationships have ended at some point because I decided so, and none because the girls have cheated on me or have done something wrong that made me break up. And I am not telling you this to brag or mislead you, but because I want you to understand where I am coming from and what my experience is.

And here I mean knowledge about the psychology of relationships, about how women think, how they act and what makes them attracted to a man, to a point where they fall deeply in love.

You see, I am really passionate about the science of relationships; I am passionate about becoming a better and more attractive man and lastly I am passionate about inspiring and helping others to become the truly attractive men that they’ve always wanted to be.

For 3 years now, I’ve been educating myself in the field of seduction, dating and relationships. It’s been a long journey that combined knowledge with practice, and it turned me into the man that I am right now – a man that knows exactly how to handle, enjoy and maintain a relationship with the woman he loves – EVEN FROM DISTANCE!

My journey didn’t just refine my personality; it has also contributed to the satisfaction and the value that the women in my life have gotten. Along my own development, I’ve inspired many other guys to become more attractive and educate themselves in one of the most important areas of their lives – Relationships.

After being through this highly inspiring journey, I can openly say that Seduction is the Queen of personal development. There’s nothing better that can motivate men to improve their lives, to take care of themselves, to build an interesting personality, to develop social and interpersonal skills and build an exciting lifestyle. The reason why learning the art of seduction motivates positive change in men, is because unlike the traditional self help methods, seduction has a very desirable and vital outcome – getting an amazing woman in a men’s life and consequently the love and sex that we naturally need.

And lastly…

I truly believe that I can contribute to your long distance relationship by giving you the insights, the wisdom and ultimately the tools, techniques and strategies that will not just make you become more attractive to your partner but also make your long distance relationship a source of love and happiness.

This is the reason why I have started this blog; it’s the reason why I created a special free e-book for you; and ultimately it’s the reason why I wake up every morning with a deep fulfillment and enthusiasm to start a new day.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me, and I invite you now to browse through the mind provoking articles that you’ll find on this blog.

Why Is This Website Unique?

Here are 7 reasons why this website is unique from all the other “Long Distance Relationship Advice” blogs, webpages that you may have already seen:

1)  Specific Advice. This is the place where I go beyond the general advice of “love, trust and communication” and give you my best ideas and tips on how to keep her attracted, how to keep her faithful, how to handle fights, how to have interesting conversation, how to make time pass faster, how to deal with lying, how to get her to respect you more, etc.

2)  Original Ideas. that you won’t find anywhere else on the web. My goal here is to share with you proven tips and insights that come from my own experience and the experiences of men that I know are amazing with women.

3)  Exclusive For Men. This is the only website on the entire web, dedicated specifically to men in a long distance relationship. There’s no other place online  where you as a man, can go and find answers to all of your L.D.R problems in one single place.

4)  Built For Your Success. Helping men have a successful L.D.R is my mission and ultimate vision. Knowing that the advice you’ll get on this website will make a difference in your relationship is what keeps me motivated to write and give the best I have.

5)  In-Depth Understanding Of Relationships. The advice that you’ll find on this webpage comes from a great understanding of psychology, relationships, seduction and personal development. The advice that I give you here WORKS!

6)  Written With Passion. If there is one great reason why I founded this website, it’s because I am passionate about relationships and helping men become the best long distance lovers possible. And when I sit down and write and article, I don’t just write for the writing but I try to put all my passion in it.

7)  Regularly Updated.  I do my best to update this website with 1-2 articles every week. Right now I am creating a special video training on how to PREVENT CHEATING. And this is just the beginning and there’s a lot of valuable ideas to come. I suggest that you join my newsletter to stay up to date with all the news, and also download the free ebook that I have for you. In addition you’ll also get a 6 day mini course on how to make your girl respect you more. More information here.

What Keeps Me Motivated To Write?

“I have a vision, and my vision is to change the common and mistaken belief that long distance relationships don’t work, and give people all the knowledge and information they need to make their long distance relationships work like a charm!”

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- See more at: http://www.long-distance-lover.com/get-to-know-me/#sthash.NeZlgL3R.dpuf
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Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper
Long Distance Love Quotes Love Quote Wallpapers For Desktop For Her Tumblr PHotos Pictures Images Tattoos For Him PIcs Wallpaper

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