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Is Hillary Clinton Run by a Broken AI?

There is growing concern in the Intelligence community that Hillary Clinton is being run by a malfunctioning artificial intelligence (AI), code named HARRIDAN.

"Her mistakes are beyond human comprehension," stated a  source who prefers to remain anonymous for reasons of personal security, "The only explanation for this series of catastrophic blunders is HARRIDAN. The AI that's been running her is clearly broken."

Hillary has been plagued by a catalogue of embarrassing revelations ever since she announced her bid to become President of the United States of America, and the most powerful woman in the world. These include:

Preferred treatment to businesses that donated millions of dollars to the Clinton foundation, including Russian owned Uranium One.

Millions of dollars paid to the Clintons in speaking fees by businesses, such as Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital and Deutsche Bank, who donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation.

False tax returns, which failed to list foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Using private emails and a private server to conduct government business, during Hillary's time as Secretary of State. These emails were subsequently deleted and the server "wiped clean."

Falsifying blame for the Beghazi massacre, in which a US Ambassador was tortured and killed.

Claiming to be poor, when in receipt of $200k+ speaking fees and the possession of multiple homes and mansions.

Pretending to be the champion of "ordinary Americans" while admitting to not driving a car since 1996.

Hillary Clinton dismisses these and other allegations as "absurd conspiracy theories." Is this yet more evidence that HARRIDAN's Truth Algorithm is broken and that her Personal Power AI (PPIA) has run amok?

Sources deep within US Intelligence believe that it is.

You be the judge,


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