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Another Doc, No Relief

I had an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist with Group Health today for the continuing problem of persistent plantar fasciitis. I told him the flare up had begun last August, that I did stretches, ices, taped, wore orthotics and supportive shoes, have had two cortisone shots, have used a night splint since January, and had even decided to lose weight. I had another x-ray, and yes I have a heel spur, and yes, it appears to be plantar fasciitis. "Sometimes it takes as much as a year to get rid of it", said Dr. Walker. I know, 'Walker' is a perfect name for an orthopedic foot guy. I liked him very much. But. I got two more stretching exercises to do, and a felted 'doughnut' to wear in my shoe. I have already abandoned the doughnut. Unless it is supposed to work by making my heel hurt so much I won't notice the other pain, I don't think it's going to be a solution. I may try again another day, or look for a commercial gel product. I have three months to dedicate myself to the new stretching exercises. If the problem persists, I will return for another visit. About one out of twenty-five with this problem end up having surgery. I will do that as a last resort. It's all just a big pain. And speaking of pain, which rhymes with rain, I thought if March came in like a lion it was supposed to go out like a lamb. It's not looking very sweet and fluffy out there to me. Baaa!

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