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Spring has sprung....

at least in wargames terms!

Well, the evenings are lighter, the daffodils are out and we have some great blossom starting to appear. It is also half term, or so I'm told, and I'm in charge of the children for the next few days.

I am just about to dust off the special project and crack on with it if I get the time this week. I am also looking forward to some new stuff........

Fields of Battle Volume 1: Great Northern War

I have mentioned this one before, it has eight individual battles from the GNW. It is just out, in the US at least. I have yet to track down a UK supplier. $50 according to the publisher's website. I'm not sure what that will translate into over here.

Rapid Fire Normandy

I bought the Rapid Fire Normandy Battlegroups book a while ago. This gives small units (200 and 400 points) for representative Allied and German units in Normandy. A very nice little book. Rapid Fire have now brought out Normandy Battlegames. This gives you 13 historical scenarios to play with the battlegroups pus new battle groups for US and British airborne formations. Very nice for £16 from Rapid Fire.

Team Yankee rules

These are just out. I saw a copy in the Ian Allen book shop in Birmingham last week and was very impressed. In particular, by the fact that they cost only £15. Very nicely done. Even for a non-FoW person like me,they seem to be calling to me! Hey ho.

Last but not least, GMT has just announced Absolute War, a new take on the Great Patriotic War by Carl Paradis, this time it's simple and has area movement. The full Russian campaign in less than 4 hours! No Retreat for no brainers! I'll be watching this one very closely. 

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