My eldest and youngest and Oscar from Central Command. The table set up for battle. |
UM captain with Terminators in support. |
Old School Carnifex. |
I love the Landspeeders. My son and I particularly liked this pic. It is framed and hanging on his wall. |
Newer edition Hormagaunts. |
UM deployment zone. The Landraider is scratch built from foam core, card stock and bits. |
Genestealers swarm through cover supported by a Zoanthrope and the Hive Tyrant. |
The speeders meet their doom! Unfortunately my Tyranid army is not completely painted... |
The Lictor leaps upon the Terminators! All old school models. |
Another shot my son liked and we put on his wall. The Razorback moves to a good firing position supported by Tactical Marines. |
The hoard is about to overwhelm the Ultramarine defense. |
My old school Tyranids stomp through the carnage. |
Anyway, cheers to all!