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Old School Warhammer 40K

My oldest son and I have been playing some 5th edition Warhammer 40000 lately.  A few weeks back we dusted off my Tyranid and Ultramarines armies and had at it.  We've had fun taking photos of the games and then printing them to hang in his bedroom.  I thought some of you might enjoy seeing the pics. All the models and terrain are from my collection and were built and painted by me anywhere from 10 to 20 years ago.

My eldest and youngest and Oscar from Central Command.
The table set up for battle.

UM captain with Terminators in support.

Old School Carnifex.

I love the Landspeeders. My son and I particularly liked this pic. It is framed and hanging on his wall.

Newer edition Hormagaunts.

UM deployment zone. The Landraider is scratch built from foam core, card stock and bits.

Genestealers swarm through cover supported by a Zoanthrope and the Hive Tyrant.

The speeders meet their doom!
Unfortunately my Tyranid army is not completely painted...

The Lictor leaps upon the Terminators!
All old school models.

Another shot my son liked and we put on his wall.
The Razorback moves to a good firing position supported by Tactical Marines.

The hoard is about to overwhelm the Ultramarine defense.

My old school Tyranids stomp through the carnage.
We had a great day and have played some other battles since then. It's got me thinking I'd like to update my Tyranid army. The newer models are very cool! I have lots of other projects in various stages of completion though so...we'll see.

Anyway, cheers to all!

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