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Mayura's Tryst With The Deities...

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Mayura Is My Name, The Peacock, Bright-Hued...
Ah! It Is With Awe, Amazement, That By You, I Am Viewed!
Yes, I Am The Deities' Dearest - Their Vehicle Divine...
Undoubtedly, Two Deities Are My Surmounts, Benign!
Reigning Miracles Intelligently Find Their Manifestation...
Ah! How Privileged Am I To Be Theirs, For An Eternal Duration! 

This Is The Tale Of How Effortlessly I Received...
Honor To Belong To Two Deities, How I Meritoriously Achieved!
Echoes Beyond Bounds, The Name Of Maa Saraswati & Lord Kartikeya, To Be Believed...

Pious & Sacred Is Lord Kartikeya's Name...
Extending To His Feet, Is My Commitment, All The Same! 
Affirming A Strong Grip On The Ever Egoistic, Desirous Serpent...
Cautioning You Thus, To Maintain Distance From Materialistic Wants, Instead To Polish Positive Talent!
Oh! Then There's Goddess Saraswati, To Be In Whose Service, This Mundane Being Always Aspires...
Challenged By The Swan, However, Whom The Deity, Herself Admires!
Kneeling Down To Her Presence, That In Itself Is Pure Bliss...

Denoting Selfless Service To Them, Is My Dedication...
Instilling In Me Thus, A Perpetual Sense Of Everlasting Elation!
Vowing To Be At Their Absolute, Undying Command...
Integrating Their Positivism Into Myself, Is How I Stand!
Nurtured By Their Divine Care, Is My Very Existence...
Embodying This Divinity Is My Unceasing, Immortal Insistence!


This post is a part of Write Over The Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
BlogAdda gives out a creative writing theme each weekend for Indian bloggers.

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