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How To Recognize An Author

After I published my latest book SCENTS and SENSUALITY, I blogged on Authors of Main Street about how to recognize an author. The post, inspired by the general messiness of my office and home after I'd focused solely on writing for several weeks, elicited a lot of feedback from authors.

No good deed goes unpunished, right? So I thought I'd take part of the post and turn it into a video. (The self-punishment is the amount of work that goes into a video. Still, producing a video is a lot of fun so maybe it's not much punishment after all.)

Yesterday, I premiered the video, How To Recognize An Author, on YouTube. (Direct Link: http://youtu.be/y415Y-EqcUg -- feel free to pass it on. (I appreciate any Comments, Facebook Likes, Tweets, etc.)

Here's my video: How To Recognize An Author. Hope it gives you a chuckle today.

Takeaway Truth

Unfortunately, too much of this video is true. *LOL*

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