A few more vintage Clara Bow items arrived this week...
"I needed no reminder of the "It" girl or who she is. I hope you'll note the tense used here. You happen to have given a vitality, a beauty and an excitement to our industry that no one has ever duplicated" - Rod Serling, from a letter he wrote to Clara responding to HER fan letter to him!
A vintage postard
"I never met Marilyn Monroe, but if I had, I would have tried very hard to help her. A sex symbol is a heavy load to carry when one is tired, hurt and bewildered" - Clara Bow
"You brush off Clara Bow for some old nothing like Brooks. The more I think of it the madder I get. You writing about some old fucks and not even mentioning Clara Bow's name. - Louise Brooks writing to Kevin Brownlow about the lack of ANY mention of Clara in his 1968 book on silent films called "The Parade Gone By"